Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Holy ess, today is February second!!!

Well, I just realized it's February second and it prompted me to see who all was born today and the year they were born. Here's a few of the ones I like/know:

Lauren Lane!!! 1961 :)
Shakira 1977
Christie Brinkley 1954
Liz Smith 1923
Ayn Rand 1905
Farrah Fawcett 1947
James Joyce 1882
Gabriel Naude 1600
Benoit XIII 1649
Nell Gwyn 1650
Charles- Maurie de Talleyrand 1754
Havelock Ellis 1859
Dame Margot Asquith 1864
Frank Lloyd 1886
Ernst Hanfstaengl 1887 (who, incidentally, worked for both FDR & Hitler)
Millvina Dean 1912 (may she rest in peace.. she was the last known survivor of the Titanic, people. Respect)
Hannah More 1745
Les Dawson 1933
Eva Cassidy 1963

And those who died on this date:
Adelaide Anne Procter 1864
Wendell Phillips 1884
Boris Karloff 1969
Lord Bertrand Russell 1970
Sid Vicious 1979
Earl Butz 2008
Gene Kelly 1996

Etcetera, people. You get it.

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